Renew a Joint Certificate 1Verify the user 2Identification 3Confirm the information 4Renewal completed This user authentication step renews a joint certificate. Please enter the user ID and resident registration number/corporate registration number registered for internet banking at the Post Bank. Input information Inquiry time 2025년02월08일 15시58분07초 Input information User ID * Search ID Select the input number * Resident registration no. Corporate registration number Resident registration no. * Corporate registration number * Cancel Next Notice Renewal is possible from 60 days before the expiration date to the expiration date. After the expiration date has been passed, please issue (reissue) a certificate. The renewal of the universal certificate available for all electronic transactions costs KRW 4,400 for individuals, and KRW 110,000 for corporations and organizations, and it is valid for one year. For cancellation of the issuance of a joint certificate for general uses in electronic transactions and a refund, please contact the Korea Information Certificate Authority at 1577-8787.Please note that requests for a refund can only be made within 10 days of the transfer date of the charge for certificate issuance.